Conferences and Events

APA-Kansas Events Overview
Each year APA Kansas hosts two major events - the Spring Symposium and the Kansas Planning Conference. Sometimes, the chapter works with other area chapters to expand learning opportunities.
Additionally, the American Planning Association national office conducts several events, including the National Planning Conference.
Scroll down for more information about the events and conferences offered by APA and the Kansas Chapter.

Want us to publicize an event?
APA-KS is happy to help publicize an upcoming event, meeting, or conference as it relates to planning issues in Kansas.
Chapter Conference
Typically in October of each year, the Chapter hosts the Kansas Planning Conference. Sometimes this event is coordinated with other area chapters. The conference location is held in a central location for members to attend but is rotated each year.
Spring Symposium
Each spring, the chapter offers a one-day event typically focused on one or two topics. If possible, we include site visits and tours to supplement the topic. The chapter canceled the 2023 Spring Symposium, but click the link below for information about upcoming and past Spring Symposiums.
Planning Webcast Series
Kansas participates in the Ohio State Chapter's Planning Webcast Series which offers free, live webcasts from APA Chapters and divisions throughout the year.
2024 Quadi-State Planning Conference - Fayetteville, AR
The 2024 Quad-State Planning Conference is scheduled for October 7-9th in downtown Fayetteville, AR