2022 - Downtown Overland Park

Downtown Overland Park is the cultural center of the city and primary community gathering space. First established as the origin for a commuter community along an interurban rail line, downtown Overland Park has grown into a compact and walkable district of nearly 300 locally-owned businesses that is an attractive destination for both residents and visitors. While perhaps best known for its iconic clock tower and the Farmers’ Market, on any given day the district swells with workers from nearby offices, children on their way to school, neighbors out for a morning run or walking the dog, families in Thompson Park, and visitors to local shops and restaurants. Downtown also functions as the social center of Overland Park. Celebrations such as the Fall Festival, St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Annual Art Fair, and themed third Friday events regularly bring thousands of visitors together to celebrate. Planning is downtown Overland Park is guided by the Vision Metcalf Plan, adopted in 2008, and the downtown form-based code, adopted in 2011. the code applies to new infill development and redevelopment in designated locations. The code focuses on the physical form of buildings and their relationship to the city street in order to create a mix of uses in a walkable environment. The emphasis downtown is creating buildings that are adaptable over time.